NPI's Drain-Free�
NPI's Drain-Free� is a total solution to drain line cleaning and drain line odor control. When used as directed, Drain-Free will restore normal operation to a problem drain within 6 to 14 days and completely clean the line of organic waste buildup within 4 to 6 weeks.
Drain-Free is a low cost alternative to toxic chemical drain products or even more expensive plumber services. Some customers have achieved a greater than 80% reduction in drain related costs with its use.
When stored at normal room temperature, Drain-Free has an unlimited shelf life.
NPI's Drain-Free� Application Frequency
*For use in hotel rooms or apartment buildings plumbing systems, the lines should be treated every 12 to 24 months. *Independent restaurants or bars as well as �hotel kitchens & bars� should apply the product to their drain lines on a monthly basis to ensure that the waste doesn't buildup and clog these heavily used lines. *The typical home should apply this product yearly to keep problems away.
(Although proper use of this product will completely clean your system of all built-up organic dead wastes, it will not eat live roots, plastic, metal, or glass. Any one can put in large amounts of food, grease, toilet tissue, or a large a object down the drain that will plug the line.)
�2007 Natural Products,Inc.