NPI's Septic-Clean
Don't have this
happen to you.
When a
 septic system
gets clogged it becomes
an expensive
and timely
If you take care of your septic system it will last you for years.
If your leach field isn't working properly, or you have seepage
from your tank or ground you can restore the workings, but it's
best to keep it working from the start.  A treatment plan with the
right product with minimal monitoring  is the way to  stay ahead
of problems and ensure that all goes down the drain.
(Remember a septic system cannot handle plastic or large amounts of ground-up food from a garbage disposal,   Also disposing of large amounts of grease also will clog the system.)

If your system is totally clogged you must pump it to get it working, you may even have to get the drainage field snaked or jetted out.  All of which will COST you
a large amount of money.


If you catch it in time you can restore it to optimum working condition with heavy doses of the right product into the system.
the $$$$$
and the headache
associated with the problem.
Proactive Maintenance

For home owners
a combined approach is best with the
septic system using
NPI's Drain-Free once yearly in concert with a monthly application of 
 NPI's Septic-Clean which will insure that things flow smoothly.
And although we do recommend an inspection of the system on at least every 5-6 years  you will probably not need any other service if you don't turn your septic system into a trashcan, taking care not to put anything that shouldn't go down the drains into the drains.
The local pumping company will recommend just a few tips on
 septic tank maintenance they are:

*Do not put in tank the following: Cigarette Buts, Dyes, paint,  Sanitary Products, Condoms, Bleaches, Paper products other than septic safe toilet paper, Cleaners of any kind, Drano or Liquid Plumber, Wash only one load of clothes each day, Use only liquid soaps, Use garbage disposal sparingly, Have a filtered baffle installed in tank, and
PUMP TRAP EVERY 2 to 3 years.

And while we recommend you follow the above protocols if you add a little of the right  type of Naturally Occurring Harmless Bacteria in the proper amounts, you can avoid having problems with the system and avoid the need to pump the tank for a very long time  indeed.

Business' * Restaurant,Bars, and other Commercial Operations should contact us for large operation instructions, for as they generate a much greater amount of waste, they need different protocalls for success in their systems.

�2007 Natural Products,Inc.